Sunday, June 28, 2015

My Most Memorable Learning Experience

Image result for romeo and juliet high school
My most memorable moment in school was my freshman English class when we read Romeo and Juliet. We were reading Romeo and Juliet and we had to act out a scene from the play. It was the scene with the duel between Romeo and Mercutio, and I got to play Romeo. I was always a bit of a class clown, and I really got into the scene. I even memorized my lines. It was one of the few moments in my K-12 career that I felt like I really excelled at something. It was nothing spectacular, but I will always remember Romeo and Juliet because of the way Mr. Jones taught the play. It was not just acting out that scene either. He found ways to make the play not only fun, but made it relevant. He talked about gang culture and class divisions. I love literature, and that is only reading I remember from my middle/high school career. I was not a good student, and I still read the play, which I think says a lot about the way Mr. Jones taught the play. Out of all the teachers I had in high school, he was the only one I actually cared about what he thought of me. I talked a lot in class, but he had a way of dealing with it that was different. He let me be me, and as long as I was not harming the flow of class he did not seem to mind all my stupid comments. Instead, he seemed to play off me in a way I never experienced with another teacher. It is funny that I have not really thought about him for years until writing this entry. My high school career was such a negative experience, that it seems like I suppressed everything; yet, his class still stands out far more vividly in my memory than any other class I had in school.

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